Basis of nomination format
It is NECESSARY to provide the information asked for in this document for the respective category. This time you need to fill out the form online and attach the necessary documents.
While filling out the basis of nomination the information is to be limited only to the facility/plant/individual nominated. Ensure that all your claims are supported by the necessary document for each category. Any claim without supporting documents may be discarded by the jury. Please do not send us brochures and pamphlets – these will not be taken as valid supporting documents.
Judges will mark each of the award categories on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 indicates the lowest score on that criteria and 10 is the highest possible. Marks given by all the jury members will be totaled to arrive at the final score. In case of a tie, jury members will re-evaluate the nomination to arrive at fresh scores. The marking will be done purely on the basis of the data provided in the nomination form.
- Fill the form online for the category you would like to nominate your company or any other company/person, and then submit it. Attach the relevant documents (pdf, jpeg) as given below and please ensure that each document is not more than 1-2 pages.
- Please fill up all the required details correctly.
- Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination. These should be collated into a 2-3 page document. NOT MORE. Extra pages will not be considered and may invite disqualification of the nomination.
This award is open to architects - either having an independent practice or the design head at a real estate company - for outstanding architectural designs across residential, commercial, institutional and hospitality projects. The judges will be looking at how the design demonstrates innovation, efficient planning, clarity of context, environment-friendly features, as well as attention to services and life-cycle costs.
In this category, the Jury will look for the quality of initial design, its planning and the final execution.
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Building design/project drawings
- Projects photos
- Environmental clearances
- Project completion certificate
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to companies that take up construction contracting jobs - be it real estate or infrastructure projects. This process is a major decision which may influence the progress and success of a construction project. Improper selection of contractors may lead to problems such as bad quality of work and delay in project duration.
Focus would be on timely completion, quality and complexity of project, sustainability, and challenges encountered and overcome successfully.
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly fill in the data below:
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
The award will be bestowed on the company or organisation that has submitted an application where there has been a clear demonstration of excellence in fully designed and engineered façade solutions. The company's manufacturing capability enables quality to be maintained strictly, whilst allowing maximum flexibility to meet individual project requirements. Their expertise and services extend to incorporating logistics and installation strategies through to detailed engineered contractors' proposals for the most complex of facade solutions. Safety management must ensure maximum protection is provided against accidents and other health risks, both in the company's own facilities as well as on site.
There will also be a focus on timely completion, quality, sustainable practice adopted, and challenges encountered and overcome successfully.
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2022 onwards.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Project photos (of those completed since April 2021)
- Quality certificates
- Environmental clearance
- Project completion certificates
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to those façade projects that have fulfilled technical design and/or research that has made a significant contribution to the discipline of façade projects, either in the development of technologies, materials, product designs, systems or buildings contributing to the urban built environment when employed on a project.
Judging criteria will involve design complexity, use of new materials, design challenges, testing standards achieved, safety record, quality adherence, timely completion, and sustainability initiatives.
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2022 onwards.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Project design drawings
- Projects photos
- Quality certificate
- Environmental clearances
- Project completion certificate
- PMU certificate
- Testing certificate
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
The jury will review residential and commercial projects which are considered to be sustainable in design. The award will go to the developer responsible for this achievement.
The Jury will look at the project as a whole and evaluate how 'green' the project is. Judges will be looking for evidence that the concepts of sustainable development are embodied within the project. The most common ways to show good environmental and sustainability practice are improving energy efficiency, adopting green construction methodologies, reducing waste, reducing water use, reducing pollution, improving the environment or improving employees' well-being.
The creativity and impact of the green building strategies employed and how they are integrated into the design will be the primary criteria to identify superior projects.
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2023 onwards.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Project photos
- Environmental clearance
- Project completion certificate
- Sustainability certification
- Green construction materials used
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to residential and commercial property developers who have constructed high-rises and present their finest work for buildings of 35 storeys and above. The Jury will look for design excellence and construction innovation in the erection of buildings.
The Jury will look not only for the most impressive and innovative projects, but also examine the sustainability and eco-friendliness of the development. The developer must have displayed exemplary levels of quality, professionalism and innovation.
To assist with the judging process, a series of judging criteria is defined in four categories. Participants are encouraged to keep these criteria in mind throughout the design process.
Creative Approach: The design is innovative and inspirational. Shows originality and creative thinking in terms of high-rise design and the future evolution of the skyscraper.
Sustainability: The design considers the building's environmental impact and energy usage. The design considers efficiency throughout (core, shell, space, usage, etc.). The design considers social sustainability, occupant lifestyle, and well-being.
Functionality: Planning and building organization is clear and appropriate. There is a clear structural, technical, and constructional rationale.
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2022.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Building design/project drawings
- Projects photos
- Environmental clearances
- Project completion certificate
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to contractors of metro projects who have met deadlines or where work is still under construction and withstood all the challenges, achieved highest quality of construction, safety, and project management.
The project (or their portion of the allotted contract) should have begun from January 2020.
Please note: If you emerge winner, we insist that the Owner/CEO/MD personally pick up the trophy on the day of the Awards.
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2022.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Project pictures
- Quality certificate
- Environmental clearances
- Dynamic clearance certificate
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Open to procurement or sourcing heads, the award will be presented to the individual who has best demonstrated decisive and effective leadership to take his/her company to the next level. Entries should demonstrate his/her abilities to guard against disastrous supply interruptions and cope with the changing economics and new opportunities brought on by new technologies.
Please attach hi-resolution photo of the nominee
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Please submit the following information about the nominee.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Open to project heads, the award will be presented to the individual who has best demonstrated decisive and effective leadership to take his/her company to the next level. Entries should demonstrate his/her abilities to be able to plan, coordinate, budget and oversee a project well, while assuming complete responsibility for its execution and accounting for and/or negating the effects of any adverse conditions on site.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Please attach hi-resolution photo of the nominee
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Please submit the following information about the nominee.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Submissions are invited from Indian or MNC real estate development companies involved in residential, commercial or industrial projects in India. Build quality, aesthetics, timely delivery and evidence of intelligent master-planning will be the main criteria for this award. The incorporation of sustainable construction techniques will also be taken into account. Single or multiple developments can be entered for this category.
A real estate developer must recognise potentially lucrative opportunities and predict market trends. They must be able to dive in with a determination and bring in-depth knowledge of construction and a keen business sense.
A good real estate company will have local knowledge, has paid attention to detail, incorporated knowledge and technology in projects, ability to be risk tolerant, creative site planning, exciting designs, new building materials, and cutting-edge construction methods.
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Open to real estate developers, the award will be presented to the individual who has best demonstrated decisive and effective leadership to take his/her company to the next level. Entries should demonstrate his/her achievements, timely completion of projects, effective cost controls and client endorsement.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Please attach hi-resolution photo of the nominee
Please submit the following information about the nominee.
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to developers for outstanding residential projects. The judges will be looking at how the project demonstrates uniqueness in approach and how the build demonstrates achievement through the selection of innovative design and good project execution methodology.
In this category, the Jury will look for the quality of initial design, the development, and the site on which it is located.
Efficient use of the available space, innovation of design and creative use of space, height and materials to provide a quality of construction and finish that display both design and workmanship attributes will also be considered.
The concepts of energy efficiency in both design and function of the addition are important and this could include the orientation, minimal use of western and southern facing glazed areas, and also wall/ceiling insulation. The final important factor is the value for money within the category itself. What does the project cost per square metre and how it compares with other similarly priced projects, is often the final deciding factor when two projects compare in the final analysis.
Eligibility: Residential projects that have been completed from April 2022 onwards.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Building design/Project drawings
- Projects photos
- Quality certificate
- Environmental clearances
- Project completion certificate
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
This award is open to window fabricators. Judges will consider the following parameters:
- Quality of Construction: Structure; External finish; Joinery/Internal finishes; and Civil work finishing with Façade.
- Value for Money: Method of Contracting; and Finalisation of Contract
- Innovation: Construction Methodology; and Installation procedure
- Project Management: Time Management; Client relationship; Degree of Difficulty; and Sub-contractor coordination
- Sustainability Initiatives during construction
- Responsiveness to challenges
- Innovative ideas
- Testing mechanism
- Defined Standard Operating Procedure
- Established QA / QC mechanism
- Average turnaround time
- Choice of partners (System supplier, machinery supplier, software provider etc)
Eligibility: Projects that have been completed from April 2022 onwards.
Supporting documents include (wherever applicable):
- Window design/window drawings
- Window photos
- Quality certificate
- Environmental clearances
- Project completion certificate
- Please fill up all the required details correctly in the table provided below
- Kindly register with your details online at
- This time you have to fill out the form online, copy the questions onto a Word document, insert the pics, and after having filled in, convert the file to PDF and upload it as one file.
- Please attach relevant documents supporting your nomination.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Open to interiors contractors, the award will be presented to the contracting company. Entries should demonstrate how the contractor has been responsible for planning, estimating the cost of the work, obtaining necessary permits, doing the construction, managing the budget and timeline, and ensuring quality control.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Open to interiors projects, the award will be presented to the project. Entries should demonstrate projects that are creative, and has paid attention to aesthetics, artistic ability, use of materials, embraced diverse style, new technologies adopted, and sustainable factors adhered to.
Kindly ensure that you provide relevant information in detail. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Team CWI Awards 2023
Khushbu Khan
+91 96991 83877
Raj Ramnani
+91 97303 33990
Presenting Partner